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Can I Give Microdoses To My Kids?

Majik Microdoses

Updated: Dec 23, 2022

With the benefits to anxiety, depression, ADHD, OCD and other mental health issues, it is no small wonder you may be considering giving your child a microdose of mushrooms.

But is it safe to give your child a microdose? As you likely know, we can’t really give you a definitive answer, but what we CAN do is share valuable perspectives, experiences and information that will support you in making your own informed choice!

Why People Are Having Such AMAZING Microdosing Results…

Disorders that more and more children and adolescents are suffering from!

Oftentimes, when someone is suffering from anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD, PTSD and other hard to treat psychological disorders, it is because they are stuck in a “rut”. They are stuck in certain perspectives, patterns, beliefs, and ways of relating (to themselves and the world around them)...

And once someone gets in a rut, It is challenging to break free…

It is kinda like being stuck in a merry go round that just keeps going and going. Your brain, mind and emotions just keep repeating the same patterns over and over again… It can feel like you are just at the mercy of the experience… Until you realize, you have the power to stop the ride and get off!

Psilocybin Unlocks Your Power To CHANGE…

Microdosing psilocybin gives you access to this power to change. Not an external power, but it unlocks that innate power within your mind and spirit. This is because Psilocybin has an amazing capacity to increase one’s self awareness, and to help you see things from a different, fresh perspective.

When you are able to see your experience from a new lens, then you are able to identify where you are stuck. From a fresh perspective, you are able to make new and healthier choices. Basically, if mental health was a computer code, with the help of psilocybin you are able to rewrite that code…

And here’s the really cool thing…

Children are masters at re-programming. Children LOVE routines and patterns… And because they are still growing and changing, it is far easier for a child to establish a NEW pattern or routine… As a parent, you can guide them, even when they are NOT conscious of the process!

Why Science Says It’s Not All In Your Head…

Of course, the effectiveness of microdosing increases tenfold when you consciously create new patterns in your life… There is also an innate intelligence within the mushrooms that provides us with a new way of being...

Psilocybin literally increases the amount of “cross-talk” between and within various parts of the brain. To put it simply, it helps your brain communicate in a healthier way… it helps the nerve cells responsible for communication pathways to grow faster and stronger.

Psilocybin has also been shown to increase and decrease certain activity in the brain. For example, it has been shown to decrease a part of your brain that is believed to be responsible for the “ego” and one’s sense of self, while increasing other neural activity…

This means it snaps you out of your ego & identity , and helps you understand things outside of your usual constructs. Basically, if you are stuck in the identity of being a depressed and anxious individual, psilocybin could help that part of your brain shut off so you can see yourself in a new light…

So… Is Psilocybin Safe?

Yes, psilocybin is extremely safe. Especially when it comes to microdosing.. But even in large quantities, mushrooms are safe.

In the majority of individuals who take a “macro” dose, psilocybin has actually been shown to have long term beneficial results on the brain. People report reduction or elimination in anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies, and other serious mental health issues, for up to 6 months after their psychedelic experience.

In fact, of all the recreational drugs available, mushrooms are considered the safest! One study found that out of the 10,000 people who took them, only 0.2% needed emergency medical treatment.

Generally, the worst effects people experience from mushrooms are a “bad trip” which is when fear and paranoia become overwhelming. However, this does not occur during a microdose. It only occurs during larger doses. This is one reason that set and setting are so important.

Why Mushrooms Are SAFER Than Any Prescription…

To be clear… We are not telling you to quit taking your prescription drugs or antidepressants…

That being said… The side effects of microdosing mushrooms is almost non-existent…

The worst thing people experience is an increase in anxiety during their microdose… And even that is rare… And often it shows up for a good reason. The best part is If microdosing isn’t working for you, simply take a break and any “negative” effects should subside within a day or two…

In the BEST case scenario, microdosing may be the answer to your mental health issue (or at least a key component)... In the WORST case scenario… It is just not what you had hoped, and you continue to search for a better answer…

But… When it comes to prescriptions and antidepressants…

Often the side effects (and withdrawals) can be serious… Like increasing your chance of death and suicide kinda serious… That is the WORST case scenario of course…

But generally speaking, most people who take antidepressants and other pharmaceuticals find that their overall quality of life over a prolonged period of time is significantly reduced.

Often what happens is that their depression or anxiety is reduced, but so is their capacity to feel joy, happiness and connection… So they are stuck in a numb zone which can feel as bad as depression…

Not to mention the negative effects on physical health… Like liver issues, digestive issues, and even heart issues… So then your Doctor ends up filling your medicine cabinet with all sorts of other drugs to counter the negative effects of your antidepressant medication…

In fact it is not unheard of for someone who is suffering from PTSD to be taking a dozen or more pharmaceuticals just to keep their PTSD at a “manageable” level… Mangeable meaning you’re not about to rip someone’s head off at the drop of a hat…

The Case For Giving Children Microdoses…

This is For ADULTS… Think About Your CHILD…

The sad reality is that it is not uncommon for Doctors to prescribe drugs like ritalin and adderall to children. These are amphetamines. As in… Chemically similar to meth and ecstasy…

It has also become increasingly common for children to be prescribed antidepressants, antianxiety and other pharmaceutical medications…

These are strong drugs. Very strong drugs… Even for an adult, they can cause serious short and long term side effects. What are the effects on a child’s developing brain?

I don’t know about you, but my mind goes to a pretty dark place…

Yet somehow it is taboo and morally “unethical” to give your child marijuana or something like a microdose? Something seems a little bit backwards here…

Why I Would Personally Start My Child Off With A Microdose…

Once again … By no means is this meant to be advice…

But if I were considering prescription drugs versus microdosing mushrooms for my child’s mental health, I would start with microdosing… I mean honestly, there are no recorded negative long term side effects from microdosing (in adults).

So far, all evidence suggests that microdosing is extremely safe… Not to mention it works!

But you need to make your own choices here and draw your own conclusions here… Don’t follow what I would do…

(IN THEORY) How I Would Go About Giving My Child A Microdose…

Ok so let’s say I (theoretically) were to give my child a microdose… This is how I would go about it…

I would start them off VERY small. I would either make my own microdoses, or ask for a custom blend to be made for me… Something like 5 or 10mg of whole mushroom per dose… (A lower end dose for an adult is 50mg). I would use it in a powder form, and mix it in with a sweet organic drink (kids don’t do well with capsules)...

Then I would pay very close attention… I would keep track of any negative and positive changes in my child’s mood and behavior… and I would stick to a maximum of ONE dose twice a week…

I would try that for 4 weeks. If there are positive changes and no negative side effects, I may consider increasing the frequency. If I didn’t notice any effects at all, I may consider increasing the dose…

All that being said, I would also incorporate other practices… Like healthy food, no sugar, less screen time, spending time in nature, and other practices, therapies and modalities that could support my child’s unique needs…

(Anecdotal) Evidence That Psychedelics Are Safe For Kids…

Ok this is anecdotal. And highly subjective. But it is food for thought.

It is common practice in various indigenous cultures, to give their young children small amounts of psychedelics… Like peyote, san pedro, ayahuasca… And yes… Even mushrooms…

In fact, in some families and communities, the first food the child and mother receive after birth, is a small dose of a psychedelic…

Throughout their upbringing, the children will often be given small microdoses of psychedelics, particularly in ceremonial and communal settings…

Like I said, this is anecdotal and culturally subjective… Just because indigenous communities do it, does not mean you should too… They have specific protocols and ways of going about this in responsible ways…

But it is worth mentioning!

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