Getting a "good" sleep or a "bad" sleep is there difference between a good or bad day...
In fact, proper sleep is VITAL for mental, emotional and physical well being. Yet SO many people suffer from poor sleep. So I wanted to create a comprehensive sleep guide.
Because the truth is... You could be microdosing and doing everything "right", but if you're not sleeping properly... Your efforts will be in vain.
Because this topic is SO important... I recently sent some emails about sleep... I have had a number of people reach out asking for further guidance.
(before you keep reading, whether you're microdosing or not, you will want to grab some Reishi powder. It is the ULTIMATE sleep aid... PLUS it will keep you calm and focused throughout your day.)
The Ultimate Guide to Sleeping Like a Baby: Tips and Strategies for a Restful Night's Sleep

Poor sleep is a modern problem that plagues many people...
I know it did for me...
Fatigue followed me throughout my day... I am a skinny guy, but I felt like I weighed 1000 pounds!
My eyelids were so heavy, it felt like they had rocks tied to them!
When I did keep my eyes open, they had a subtle but persistent sting...
All day I could NOT wait to lay down and SLEEP...
But when that time finally came, my mind would NOT stop, and my body was full of energy...
It was like the energizer bunny was waiting under my pillow.
The moment I laid down, it would wake me up!
Sometimes HOURS would go by, my mind racing...
Finally by the grace of God, I would fall asleep...
My nervous system & adrenals were out of balance.
This was something microdosing alone could not help me with...
Here's the thing...
Most people want that "ONE" supplement, diet, or technique that will fix their problem...
but that is NOT reality.
If you've ever read James Clear's book "Atomic Habits", you know EXACTLY what I mean.
It's not one habit that changes your life... It is many small "atomic" habits that add up over time.
It's kind of like building the world's fastest car.
Yes, you need a powerful engine...
But EVERYTHING else in the car needs to match that power...
If the breaks or tires don't, then the car's speed will suffer.
It's the same with sleep.
So I wanted to share some quick, easy and powerful habits for sleep that you can start doing RIGHT NOW...
7 Proven Tips for Getting a Restful Night's Sleep

Eliminate BLUE LIGHT...
Blue light (emitted by ALL screens) will trick your brain into thinking it is morning time. This means that after sunset... NO MORE SCREEN TIME!
That's right... No TV, ipad, or cell phone... A good rule of thumb: Power down electronics 3 hours before bed.
Now, I understand this is not possible for everyone... Or maybe you just simply don't want to make that sacrifice. I get it. Sleeping is important... But so are our creature comforts.
There is a simple solution: Buy some blye light blocking glasses. You can buy these on amazon. Once the sun sets, throw these on.
PRO TIP: For optimal sleep results, also eliminate blue light emitting light bulbs. All the "new" energy saving light bulbs have blue light. Go old school. Get some Incandescent light bulbs so you can sleep like a baby!
2. RELAX Before Bed...
This is common sense that is not always so common... At least 1 hour before bed, start to relax...
This means work is DONE. To do lists are put away. The TV is off.
Instead, consider doing activities like this to ensure a restful sleep:
Go for a light walk
Do some light stretching
Have a bath
Read a book
Do some journaling
Make love to your partner
You get the point. Do what relaxes YOU!
3. LIGHT and SLEEP are deeply intertwined...
We already talked about no Blue light before bed...
Lets take this a step deeper.
3 Hours before bed (or once the sun sets), start to turn down all the lights in your house... It should start to be dark in your house. Not so dark you can't see... But you want it to FEEL like it is night time!
It is also VERY important to minimize light in your room. BLACK OUT your room. Consider black out blinds. If there is any light coming off of electronics (like a little light on a TV, alarm clock or fire alarm) cover it up with duct tape, or unplug. Even these small lights affect your sleep.
4. Get Up and Greet The Sun...
Humans are meant to wake up at sunrise... It is how God designed us. So every morning go outside. Put your bare feet on the EARTH (grounding), and watch the sunrise.
This is also the BEST time to pray and meditate. Take advantage of this time of the day for your spiritual well being.
5. Quiet Your Mind With THESE Exercises...
Often what keeps us up at night is our MIND... Sometimes it just won't STOP!
Use these techniques while you lay in bed to quiet your mind...
Try to slow down your thoughts like a cartoon. Get PAINFULLY slow. Before you know it, you will be drifting off to sleep...
Also a helpful task is to imagine yourself in a dream and create a dream from your imagination. Or live out every detail of your day in a vivid imagination. Once again, this will put you in a "Dream" state (aka: sleep)
Another helpful technqiue is to do BOX BREATHING: 4 seconds breathing in, hold for 4 seconds, breath out for 4 seconds, hold empty for 4 seconds.
6. Reduce EMFs and GROUND...
This is HUGE!
EMFs WILL disrupt your sleep. So turn your phone on airplane mode, and keep it away from your bed.
Turn off your wifi at night.
Check to see if there are any major electrical cables in the walls around your bed... If so, move your bed!!
Also, purchase grounding / earthing sheets for your bed. This will keep you grounded to the earth, which improves sleep and reduces the negative effects of EMF.
If you live in a city... You can also buy EMF blocking paint.
7. Take these Supplements for a GREAT Sleep...
Supplements DO make a difference. However, microdosing often is NOT that supplement...
In fact for many people microdosing actually can disrupt their sleep...
There is a different mushroom that I recommend to clients... This mushroom is NOT psychedelic.
It is called Reishi. And it has been used for thousands of years in China. It is an ANTI-Stimulant so it helps calm you down.
It is known to calm the nervous system, focus the mind, and support deep restful sleep
Not all reishi powder is created equal... So remember to get the best available. This is why we recommend Tiny Dragon Tonics. They provide potent DUAL extract reishi powder.
Magnesium is also a powerful mineral that helps produce a deep and restful sleep.
So there you have it...
Sleeping like a baby is not so hard. In fact, it is pretty simple.
Try the above tips for at least 1 month. You should start to see results quickly!
Remember... It is not "one" thing that will change your sleep...
it is MANY "small" things that all add up for BIG results.
Happy sleeping and here's to a GOOD rest!