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Majik Microdoses

A Heart Bliss Meditation (Use This To Supercharge Your Microdose...)

Updated: Dec 23, 2022

The meditation I am about to share with you is the single most powerful way to connect with your True Essence I have ever discovered… In fact, even WITHOUT mushrooms, this meditation can elevate you and connect you with the Divine…

A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far Far Away...

I learned this meditation years ago during my studies with my Tai Chi & Qi Gong Teacher… It is a fundamental part of my practice, and it (almost) INSTANTLY drops me into a deep space of connection, love and surrender…

I remember showing up to class one day… It had been a rough and chaotic week because I had just broken up with my Girlfriend… I’m sure you know the feeling… It felt like my heart had been sliced in two, and half of my being was still with my girlfriend, and the other half was (barely) present…

Well needless to say, my Qi Gong and meditation abilities were basically non-existent… My teacher took one look at me and said… “Ok… What happened? Your mind is a MESS and your practice has taken 10 steps BACKWARDS…”

So I told him about the break up… He always has a way of making light of any situation no matter how dark… So after some playful banter, he told me to sit down…

So I sat in a chair, two feet firmly planted on the Earth, back straight, head up… He then guided me through the meditation I am going to give to you…

By the end of the meditation I was totally GONE!

And by “Gone” I mean the “I” that was worried, heart broken, sad and distracted had vanished… I was floating in what felt like an ocean… I was held in the energy of the divine in a way I had not experienced (outside of psychedelics)...

There was a warm, tingling and blissful feeling in my heart… It felt like a warm glowing fire had been lit, and it warmed me from the inside out… My whole body filled with this light joyful energy, as if there was a flow of pure life force essence moving through me…

I floated in this space for what felt like an eternity… but to my surprise when I pulled my iPhone out of my blue jean pocket, It had only been 5 minutes! I was shocked… This meditation had instantly dropped me into a place between time and space!

Needless to say, that Qi Gong class turned out to be one of the most deeply transformational experiences of my life…

Why This Simple Meditation Is Like A Drug…

I am not sure if you have ever done MDMA before, but I remember the first time I did, it felt like i experienced life the way it was “meant” to be… At the time I was suffering from serious depression and grief from the death of my father… I was 18 at the time, and he had died 2 years prior…

When I took that first pill of MDMA, my heart opened in a profound way and I was able to experience love and joy in such a profound way… It was like my heart was going to burst open!

It was a really beautiful and profound experience… The thing is, it only lasted for a few hours, and then I was back in the darkness…

So when I met my GI Gong meditation teacher, and he taught me this heart centered way of being, I never took another pill of MDMA ever again! I didn’t need to…

The thing is, when people think of meditating, they think of a dry and boring experience… Sitting cross legged and trying their best not to think about their to do list... Their mind racing from thought to thought…

Compared to the dry and boring “sitting” practice, this meditation is literally like a drug… In fact, it actually releases the same endorphins and neurotransmitters that a pill of MDMA does… Except it is 100% natural, organic and sustainable!!

The Heart Bliss Activation Meditation…

So enough talk… Let’s jump into this meditation.

The principle is simple. It is to drop you out of your head, into your heart and into Universal Oneness…

1. Get Comfortable

This meditation takes about 15-20 minutes, so find a comfortable and quiet space where you will be undisturbed. Any seated position works, however I personally prefer sitting with both feet flat on the ground, spine straight and head up. Cross legged or sitting on the floor works fine too. The idea is to feel comfortable and grounded.

2. Let’s Begin…

With your eyes closed, look inward. Do a quick body scan from the bottoms of your feet to the top of your head. Notice and observe any tensions you may be holding… Allow them to simply be… However, set the intention that you will release them by the end of this meditation.

3. Now It’s Time To SIGH

Ok, so now that you are relaxing into your body… Take 5-10 deep breaths… On the exhale, SIGH… Make an audible sighing sound. As you sigh, feel your awareness “drop” into your body… The sighs will release any tension you may have… If you like, you can shake your arms, legs, and head to drop in a little deeper…

4. Now, let's Dig Deeper…

Take both your hands and place them on your heart center… Take a few deep breaths into your heart… As you do this, smile… But not just smiling on your face, but also imagine a smile in your heart… This is called the “inner Smile”... Allow your heart center to fill with the feeling of joy, bliss, and connection… Keep smiling into this space, feel your smile growing larger…

5. Add THIS To Supercharge Your Inner Smile…

Having trouble connecting your heart bliss? Begin by placing both your hands on your heart… Now think of a memory that fills you with love, joy and happiness… It could be recent or in the past… it could be a memory of a person, a place, an experience, or even a pet… The idea here is to take yourself back to a point in time of pure love and joy…

Ok now fill your heart with that memory… Fill every cell of your being with that memory… Smile as you do this… Allow it to expand and grow within your heart… Do this for as long as you need to remind your heart of this joy…

6. Close The Space…

You can do this meditation for as long or as short as you desire… Generally 20 minutes or longer is ideal, however if all you have is 5 minutes that is fine! When you are done… Take a few deep breaths into your heart, and then a few more into your entire body… Come back to the present moment, shake your arms and legs… And feel yourself fully grounded and present… Open your eyes and smile one last time… Now continue on with your day…

7. Practice Practice Practice

The heart is like a muscle… Well actually it’s literally a muscle… So like any muscle it can take time for it to grow and strengthen… If you didn’t get it the first time, that’s ok! Keep trying and keep working at it… Celebrate your small successes. Even if you get a moment of joy or a glimpse of bliss, consider it a success! Keep doing this and eventually you will find yourself in a more heart centered way of being… In the meditation and out of it!

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