If you have ever taken a full dose of mushrooms, then you have most likely had this experience of becoming one with nature… Of your Ego Dissolving…
I know for me it has taken many years on the spiritual path to simply have a taste of these experiences… And of course Microdosing (And MACROdosing) mushrooms has been a major support in this understanding…
But here’s the cool thing…
You Don’t need a full psychedelic dose to become one with Nature…
All you need is a microdose and the proper guidance…
(and technically you don’t even “need” a microdose… it will just act like gasoline on the fire…)
How Microdosing Can Permanently Transform Your Relationship To Nature...
The experience I am about to share with you changed my relationship to nature, to myself, and to microdosing… Forever… It is a moment that I will never forget… A moment when my ‘Human self’ disappeared and I remembered that We Are Nature…
But here’s the cool thing… I am nothing special… Every Single Person can experience this too… You just need the proper guidance...
So listen closely, because this story could unlock a whole new world of possibilities for you…
Along a British Columbian river, I sat with my eyes closed, and my legs crossed… Beneath me, were the hard warm stones of the riverbed…
At first I was SO uncomfortable! I was constantly fidgeting and moving to try and find a cozy spot… but now it was as if I was sitting on a bed of rose petals, floating in total bliss… I couldn’t move a muscle and I felt AMAZING!
You see, I had reached a place where I was BEYOND physical discomfort…
In fact, I had almost completely forgotten where I was… Or even WHO I was…The bubbling, rushing sound of the river filled my ears… And I found myself floating in a space halfway between sleeping and awake… As if this moment was a dream! I was completely immersed in nature…
Then a warm breeze blew past me, and I became aware of the subtle features of my face… The sweat dripping down my skin, my dry chapped lips, the little hairs in my nose moving with each breath in and out, and the feeling of my long straight hair over my ears…
In that moment I snapped back into my body… and I wondered… “How LONG Have I been sitting here?!”
I slowly opened my eyes to see the river rushing in front of me…The neverending bubbles dancing on the water's surface… The trees were swaying in the wind as if in perfect balance with the water… Birds were singing their soft gentle melodies… And there right in front of my eyes was a big blue heron fishing silently for its lunch…
As I came out of meditation, my mind was confused… I couldn’t figure it out… I mean, all summer I would sit by this river… But I had NEVER had such a powerful, transcendental experience like this one…
I frantically tried to figure it out… What was so different about this day?!
And I thought to myself… “WOW! It feels like I am high or something…”
That’s when it hit me. A sinking feeling filled the pit of my stomach, like a rock had been dropped into a still pond… But not because I was afraid, but because I was in SHOCK…
You see, earlier that day I had been making mushroom chocolates… The image of a spatula, dripping with warm melted chocolate filled my mind… I saw my tongue taking a long slow lick to test the flavor…
Well the flavor… AND the effects (apparently)… were perfect…
The crazy thing is that I did NOT expect to feel anything from that lick… I actually thought nothing of it!
And that’s when I realized something that I will NEVER forget…
I realized the POWER of a microdose…
I had taken such a small amount of mushrooms, and yet I had an experience where I had dissolved into a place of oneness with all of creation… In a sense I had touched “God”...
I felt free.
For the first time in as long as I could remember, my worries, my fears and my suffering… had completely vanished!
How is this possible, you might ask…?
Well, throughout my life, I have realized that most of my suffering is from a feeling of disconnection… Maybe you know the feeling…
It’s kinda like being locked in a cage without a key… I could see the world around me, but I couldn’t touch it… I couldn’t feel it… I couldn’t taste it… And I couldn’t truly experience life…
Well that day, I felt very different… I was connected to something bigger than myself… All concepts of loneliness, anxiety, and depression were gone… I was simply existing…
And in that moment, it was like a light switch turned on… If a microdose can do this for me, it can do this for anyone…
And I knew this was bigger than myself.
Here's How YOU Can Have This SAME Experience Too…

Connecting with nature is simple. Allow yourself to exist as nature exists… in total harmony and balance… and you will feel a connection as deep as the earth herself...
But I know what you’re probably thinking… “that does not sound easy!!!” Well… I said simple, not easy! If it were easy, we would all be doing it! BUT that is exactly why I wrote this article…
I want to share with you the instructions that I wish I had sooner… These will be like rocket fuel for your spiritual quest…
A Simple Step-By-Step Guide To INSTANTLY Deepen Your Connection To Nature…
1. Set… Setting… And Microdoses!
Because this is an article about microdosing, I am going to assume you already have a bag of microdoses. That being said, you can technically do these exercises without microdosing… However the mushrooms will greatly enhance your experience...
To begin your quest, pick a place in nature. It can be a familiar place, or somewhere totally new… When you pull up to your destination, take out a microdose capsule and hold it up to your heart… Speak your intention to the mushrooms (Yes, talk to your microdose…).
You may consider taking a slightly higher dose than you normally would, but keep it “micro”... unless you’re feeling especially brave of course!
Curious about how to choose the best intention…?
I suggest something like this:
“My intention is to understand and experience my innate connection to the Earth. Will you please support me in this?”
Simple, short and sweet is always good. It is also wise to speak your intention to the land you are connecting to. Consider leaving an offering of food, water, or something natural like a special stone...
Now… It’s time to begin your hike!
P.S. Try to quiet your mind and begin listening to nature as you walk… Are there birds chirping? Wind blowing? Trees creaking? Water rushing?
2. Find A Secret Spot…
As you walk… Keep your eyes peeled… You are looking for a special and secret spot where you can sit for 20-30 minutes (or longer) undisturbed… It does not have to be perfect. Just follow your intuition…
But the idea here is that you’re going to need to get off “the beaten path”. AKA: You will want to find a place to sit or walk where you will not be bothered by humans…
3. Get Comfortable, Buckle Up, and Get Ready…
Ok. You found your spot. Now the fun part… By now you should ideally be feeling your microdose!
Oh Wait, before you get too comfy…First, ask the land permission to sit and connect with nature…
Now get comfortable and begin by sitting quietly. Feel the earth beneath you. I’m going to outline the exact meditation that I use to drop into a deep space almost instantly…
4. The Simple and Powerful Meditation To Become One With Nature…
Begin by speaking your intention once again, both to the land and the mushroom…
Take 3-5 deep belly breaths, and on the exhale make a sighing sound, releasing any tensions from your body… Shake your arms and legs to loosen things up…
Now, take your hands and place them on your heart, and think of a joyful memory. The idea here is to imagine a memory (or person) that instantly fills your heart with a warm fuzzy joyful feeling…
As you imagine this memory or person, take 3-5 deep breaths (or as many breaths as you need) to fully anchor this feeling into your heart… Smile as you breathe in, and feel warmth and joy fill your heart…
***If at any point during your meditation you find it hard to stay present, repeat this step***
With your heart filled with joy, and your breath moving slowly and deeply into your belly… Begin to put all of your focus and attention on the sounds of nature… All the subtle sounds… Allow them to envelope and fill you until you “lose yourself”… Take your time.
When you’re ready, slowly open your eyes and continue to breathe deeply… Look around you and observe nature. Feel nature. Notice all the textures, colors, movements, stillness, and whatever else your eyes are drawn to. Look at the scenes near and far… The little stones or plants at your feet, as well as the scenery in the distance, or on the horizon… Notice the details, the beauty, the uniqueness… Take your time and really immerse yourself in this experience.
When you’re ready, continue hiking. Try your best to maintain your connection to nature as you walk. Keep smiling into the joy in your heart… Consider walking slowly and mindfully…
I know this meditation may sound simple… Almost too simple to have such a powerful experience… But I highly encourage you to give it a try.
Use your imagination and be playful… And remember that the best meditations are effortless… be like a child.
That being said…
You Might NOT Get It The First Time…
There’s an old saying “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. This is a single step along your path…
You may not get it the first time… Or the second… Or even the tenth… But if you continue to practice this meditation, you WILL get results…
The Earth yearns for us to remember our innate connection. All you have to do is ask.
This Was MORE Than A Microdose…
With time, I have realized that this experience is not confined to a microdose… This experience of connection is an innate part of being human… In our modern world, we have just forgotten…
Mushrooms are here as guides, to help us remember our true selves and our connection to all life… They are kind of like training wheels. They are not the whole bike… They are simply here to help us learn to ride on our own…